Gone wrote:
Ashur. wrote:
Gone wrote:
Raeker wrote:
dankek wrote:
I see nothing illegal with the base?
It obstructs car access on the roads.
Anyways, the warning seems fair to me - he never said he wouldn't warn you, and moderators can't remove props like that except by kicking users. I don't see any wrongdoing from Ashur's involvement here.
he was he said fix it or i will warn you and i fixed/deleted and still gives a warn]
Pretty sure i told you don't make me get an admin here, i gave you plenty of chances to remove it yourself, and i ended up having to call an Administrator (Pug) to remove it, whilst he was doing it, i told you that you were receiving a warning as you didn't listen to me after having plenty of chances of removing it yourself, you remove it after Pug was already busy deleting it, this warning can only be blamed on you, you should've listened when i told you to remove it the first time.
nice one still hope you dont give your friends a verbal again "Good Mod"
First of all, Tamaninja isn't my friend, and warning someone for calling you a squeaker once seems quite harsh to me, i understand you can feel offended by it, but you were putting up that voice on purpose, don't expect me to instantly warn someone for calling you a squeaker, i gave him a verbal as i felt that was right.