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Name - (What is the accused person's name?) : zack!
Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) : STEAM_0:1:205439376 Evidence Of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID) : prntscr.com/isnuil Server - (What server was this on?) : S1 Time And Date (CET) - (When did it happen?) : 2018-03-18 about 00:10 ISH. [dont know exactly time] Other Comments - (Anything else you want to add?) : may i get my 300m? oof Reason - (What rules did the person break?) : Scam Story - (What happened?) : got scammed, hecc bambozld. Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.) : Something else - : He is currently permabanned.Now, i know that zack! has 300m. He won from me like 300m previously. Now, i want staff [idk who] to add him on steam and ask him if he wants to refund to TrueOverL 300m. He blocked me thought. Don't lock this post YET. prntscr.com/iso05n his steam : steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198371144481 |
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lel can't get refunded for that, but if he wants unbanned he'll have to pay it.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: TrueOverL
The user has already been banned. If he wants to get unbanned he will have to pay you the money. If he blocked you on steam that means he doesnt want to refund the money and he will stay banned. Sadly we don't have the authority to force him to pay other then banning him until he does so.
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