Staff Member(s) Name: HarryRDMSquatter or some stupid shit
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123800586
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?: Abuse his power and falsely accuse me of racism.
What Server(s) Was This On?: TTT
Evidence: My name was "mass genocide needed", wasn't aimed at any race, so in this situation he's the race because he clearly had to think of a race to genocide before deciding it was racist, demote please.
Name - Mass Genocide Needed
STEAM-ID - STEAM_0:0:80532056
Admins Name - HarryRDMSquatter, he has an extremely shit name and I do not know it fully.
Reason - Racism
Server - TTT
Time - 120 minutes
Story - I had the name "Mass Genocide Needed" and I was banned for racism, even though it's not racist as I did not mention any race whatsoever.
Proof -
Extra Information - He is a racist and was said the name "White Crackers" is not racist but "Mass Genocide Needed" is.