Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
no clue
What Did The Staff Member(s) do?:
PhiLips: Failed to listen to me at all, just banned me for a provoked comment/consistent provoked disrespect. Was constantly PMing Hiko, so I suspect some sort of corruption involved. Fred Wroolie even suggested a mute for what I did, yet he just went ahead and gave me a week ban. I had 2 recents before this, and the recents were not related in any way.
Summed up: Handled the sit poorly, making it drag on. Can't follow the ethos. Failure to communicate, however showed a better attitude than Skeleton.
SkeletonWarrior: showing a clear inability to support the use of reason, was involved in the sit. Suggested the ban time of a week, showed a poor attitude. the first thing he said when he got to the sit was "What the fuck is wrong with you?" when i was exhibiting non-aggressive behaviour and clearly and calmly explaining my actions and apologising. Shows a lack of knowledge of how staffing at ZARP works if he can't follow the ethos.
Again, summed up: can't follow ethos, bad attitude, failure to communicate.
What Server(s) Was This On?:
Evidence used to ban me, which doesn't include provoking content:
The time before I was banned:
The full chat:
I'd like to clarify that I don't agree with or condone my actions, yet the situation was handled very poorly and many improvements can be made.