Staff Member(s) :Ashur
Staff Member(s) SteamID:STEAM_0:1:214812816
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:Warn 1: I was raiding a base as a cop that had a base full of kidnappers. I arrested everyone I saw except for the person who got kidnapped and free'd them. Afterwards, Ashur was incredibly rude and shouty and quickly gave me a warning with little explanation or discussion. (no video of this one sorry)
Warn 2: The second warn today he claimed that I randomly arrested him when he was walking around on the street whilst wanted. At the time he had actually teleported on me and walked away. Because it was busy and crowded in the spawn, I quickly arrested him as soon as I saw the wanted symbol, not realising it was the person who teleported to me. He then teleported me into the prison and was incredibly hostile and rude, using profanity to threaten me with a warn if I didnt un-arrest him. I tried to talk to him and understand the situation because I thought he was being dishonest and unfair he then gave me a 10 second count down to unarrest him before he warned me and after literally 3 seconds he froze me so that I couldn't even unarrest him let alone talk about the situation and gave me a warning. The reasoning he gave me for the warning was "rda in a sit" where we were on the street roleplaying and all he did was use me to teleport to and mix into the rp area. I feel this is completly his fault and a complete lie as we were not even in a sit and I didnt make an f1 and he was wanted running around on the street.
I've actually made the mistake of arresting admins who are dealing with players before but have not left the roleplay area and are wanted and I've never been punished as there is absolutely no need and the misunderstanding should be obvious instantly when admins are in roleplay areas wanted like that.
Overrall I feel Ashur is incredibly rude and unfriendly and is handing out unfair punishments with little investigation or chance for people to converse about situations. Its really sad for me to see people with power abusing like this and throwing punishments around with such hostility and lack of care for the people. This is actually the reason I quit playing a few years back from an abusing moderator that would destroy my rp house and make up any excuse they could.
What server(s) was this on?:SSRP S1
Evidence: link to video <<please watch that (only for warn 2)