Report Abuse: TheXNator
6 years 11 months ago #820903
Staff Member(s) Name:
TheXNator / Rosanator Staff Member(s) SteamID:
STEAM_0:0:52189662 What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Falsely muted me then he teleports me and says why he muted me but doesn't explain what it is and I didn't harm or hurt anyone or said anything bad to anyone. I asked him alot of times if he could tell me why exactly he muted me but he didn't want to handle it and was being very rude about it so I decided to make this forum post even though it wasn't really abuse. I just really want to know why I was muted and why he didn't first bring me to a sit to tell me what I did wrong exactly.
I just want to say he handled my f1 and the sit very poorly this is unacceptable for a Super Admin.
What server(s) was this on?:
SSRP S1 Evidence:
Skip to the last 8 minutes to see what he did wrong I accidently upload 1 hour instead of 10 mins sorry!
(I'm going to bed after making this because I got a headache!)
Report Abuse: TheXNator
6 years 11 months ago #820908
I said tranny because a Person in PD that got arrest was Called TrannyIsLikeSayingTheNWord Or something like that. I called someone out for his name not knowing it was offensive then you mute me out of nowhere without making a sit?
Report Abuse: TheXNator
6 years 11 months ago #820921
To be entirely honest here I don't want him demoted he's a cool guy I just want him to understand what he did wrong and apoligize or atleast make it more clear to people next time so these things don't occur.