Name - (What is the accused person's name?) TheXnator and Clarky
Channel - (Which channel was this in?) Spacer
Time and date (CET) - (When did it happend?) 21st December
Other comments - (Anything else you want to add?)
Reason - (What rules did the person break?) Abused their powers
Story - (What happened?) This is about my ban appeal on teamspeak basically i got banned on teamspeak for saying i wasn't into trannies. When everyone else started disrespecting anniemontana and actually called him/her a tranny the person only got a kick. Now I know for a fact that , that isn't right the fact that the person got kicked for literally saying you are a tranny to a member of staff and i got a ban for saying i'm not into trannies. For zarp to have such a corrupt member of staff on their team they need to fix that because it will be a huge problem in the long run.
Now time to start with clarky I honestly don't know whats the problem with him but he thought that denying the appeal was the right thing to do fair enough.Even though my reasoning was flawless because it was me he decided to let his emotions affect his judgement and deny it. That is not what a member of staff is meant to do , a member of staff is meant to take a neutral point on everything and actually do their job. ZARP has literally turned into a community where if you don't suck up to LT then you're not getting any rank or getting anything , I get i break a lot of rules but the fact that a mass rulebreaker is telling you this means that theirs literally a reoccurring problem.
Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.)
This screenshot was why xnator banned me.
Clarky denying my appeal even though the reason why I got banned doesn't break TOU as I've asked other staff members.
Who was in the channel? - ( People that was in the channel at the time. ) I mean just me and xnator because he pulled me without me even noticing
Extra Information- I even told Magejamy about the situation (The guy i was arguing with) he even told me that I shouldn't of been banned for that reason either.