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[SSRP Warn Request] BulletZ
7 years 2 weeks ago #788930
"For our and your safety, you're going to get handcuffs, alright?"
I think you said what I wrote above, or along the lines of it. Maybe Bulletz got confused and thought that you were going to arrest him when you said about handcuffing because it sounded like it a bit to be honest. I recommend you do be more clear to avoid confusion. EG: Sir, please stand still, you're being restrained, if you move/run, you will be arrested.
I think it's best to get the perspective of Bulletz as well to clear this up.
I'm neutral on this one as I feel it depends how Bulletz interpreted what you were saying.
[SSRP Warn Request] BulletZ
7 years 2 weeks ago #788934
"For our and your safety, you're going to get handcuffs, alright?"
I think you said what I wrote above, or along the lines of it. Maybe Bulletz got confused and thought that you were going to arrest him when you said about handcuffing because it sounded like it a bit to be honest. I recommend you do be more clear to avoid confusion. EG: Sir, please stand still, you're being restrained, if you move/run, you will be arrested.
I think it's best to get the perspective of Bulletz as well to clear this up.
I'm neutral on this one as I feel it depends how Bulletz interpreted what you were saying.
Have a nice day.
thanks you for you're post and you're 100% correct but he was under FearRP so it doesn't matter if he thinks he can get arrested. as it says don't do anything that can risk you life. Runing then pulling a gun while tho cops aiming down on you is risking you life in my opinion
[SSRP Warn Request] BulletZ
7 years 2 weeks ago #788940
I know that as soon as the first shot is fired FearRP ends. But I if FearRP ends when someone tries to arrest you or says they're going to arrest you, I have no clue on what the rules are regarding that. So I can't really say anymore. Hope your request gets resolved by Staff anyway.
[SSRP Warn Request] BulletZ
7 years 2 weeks ago #788945
I know that as soon as the first shot is fired FearRP ends. But I if FearRP ends when someone tries to arrest you or says they're going to arrest you, I have no clue on what the rules are regarding that. So I can't really say anymore. Hope your request gets resolved by Staff anyway.
You might of noticed I kept my gun pointed at him through out the hole thing and din't shoot a single bullet to maintain FairRP
and here is the rule regarding to this
2.7 FearRP - If you are held at gunpoint and you weren't holding a gun first, you must follow demands given to you. You cannot equip a gun from your hot-bar or inventory at this time.
Melee weapons may also be used to enact FearRP but an armed opponent will be able to resist this regardless of the number of individuals armed with melee weapons.
Do not do anything to risk your life when under FearRP. The side with the most armed people are in charge of a situation, this means that large amount of people may overpower a single armed person even if that person already had a gun out. FearRP ends in the case of combat starting.
You must use /me to conduct FearRP. For example: '/me handcuffs [name]' or '/me locks vehicle door' to prevent escape.
- Taking a hostage: When under FearRP someone may be taken hostage and must then comply until their ransom is payed, someone breaks them out or the hostage takers are killed. The police should try their best to rescue the player without putting the player at risk. The maximum amount of time someone may be held hostage is five minutes and the maximum ransom is $50K. You may only take a hostage in a place that you cannot be seen or is not visited by many people. You can also kidnap someone anywhere if the area is empty. Kidnapping in the mines is not allowed.
- Mugging: When under FearRP someone may be mugged, they cannot refuse this if they have the money and cannot kill the mugger once the mug is over. The maximum amount that can be taken during a mug is $4K. You may not mug more than three times over the course of an hour. You may only mug in a place that you cannot be seen or is not visited by many people. You can also mug someone anywhere if the area is empty. Mugging in the mines is not allowed.
[SSRP Warn Request] BulletZ
7 years 2 weeks ago #789808
Thank you for making this report.
I have reviewed the evidence along with talking to Bulletz about the incident and I have decided to accept this report for a verbal warning.
In my talk with Bulletz I made him aware of the rule he broke and he apologized as he was not very familiar with the Fear-RP rule and I explained it to him so he knows in the future. Also P4LESTINIAN I would advise you to be more specific in your /me roleplay such as saying something more along the lines of "P4LESTINIAN Handcuffs Bulletz. You may not run and must follow me." This is so that the player knows he is being handcuffed and what this means as to avoid the confusion.