If you're not trying to report me then what are you trying to do, exactly? Because it's not like I'll "learn" from this or anything, especially as I handled the situation correctly. I was informed that you had the illegal keypad base up, and when I checked myself before moving in it did in fact seem to be that way.
I went in and asked you to remove the keypads ASAP. You refused, so I told you I'd destroy the nuke instead. As you just went on with defending the base I destroyed the nuke, after which you started to complain about how I was abusing. Someone then mentioned that apparently there was another button up that made the base illegal as well, and I agreed at the time because my admin tool showed that it wasn't connected. I did
not change my reasoning because of that button, I simply added that that button was another factor to the base that made it illegal. It turns out to not have been the case, which most likely has to do with the fact that the admin tool only shows connected keypads and not buttons. I apologise as I was not aware of this feature.
However, the keypads were still illegal. You were loopholing the rules to make your base better. This is why exactly the base is illegal:
4.2 Buttons & Keypads - Buttons and keypads must be clearly visible and should not be used as decorations but rather only be used for the activation of your contraptions.
When I first saw your base, the fading doors were destroyed. I will admit that I did not realise this at the time, however this doesn't make your base any more legal. The fading doors were set up in such a way to make sure that users could not easily enter the base when the fading doors were destroyed. You were purposely loopholing the rules in such a way to make sure that the base was not easily accessible with the use of keypads, which is not their purposely intended use.
4.4 Obstacles - Player built obstacles that impede player movement are not allowed. This includes obstacles that slow the player, force the player to crouch or force the player to jump. Players should not be forced to traverse over world props or difficult to traverse areas of the world they would not otherwise need to pass. This includes but isn't exclusive to forcing a player to jump or crouch between or through parts of the world or other strange places. No mazes may be built, players should only be presented with one way to navigate prop defenses.
"Player built obstacles that impede player movement are not allowed." The use of keypads in this way were meant to impede player movement. "This includes obstacles that slow the player" - which you did with the use of keypads.
"No mazes may be built, players should only be presented with one way to navigate prop defenses." Now I know that you have stated in your post that you could apparently go both left as well as right. Personally when I tried to go through it I could only go left, although it did seem that I could go right, thus it was a maze contraption as well. However, if I'm wrong about this, then that still means your base is illegal because of the previous points I have raised.
Please follow the rules next time. You can read them