Staff Member(s) Name: SyStem
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
This has been going on for a long ass time between the two of us, when we are on the servers. we get into arguments and it usually ends with him falsely warning me or muting me etc. Well since I am beyond done with his shit, I've now decided to take it a step further and make a report on him. This is the first time I've ever reported a staff member and hopefully the last, because the shit this guy has done over and over again is really fucking over the top.
It all starts today with him saying something about his mate having 30b+ money on ssrp, so I just said in OOC, "Probably kalll or para" and nothing else. Then I said "System you are a big meme" and this started an argument between him and I and he called me and Sada pathetic humans even though Sada wasn't even online at the time, because he also does this shit to Sada. So then I started saying "You're the one who goes on forums all the time and brags to people that are a third of your age about your job and how all you do is sit on your ass and play games" then someone's alt in chat said "What job is he, a registered pedo?" And I said "probably lmao".
This prompted System to bring us both to a sit, where the alt was permd for ban evading, still don't know whose it was. And he proceeds to mute me for 5 mins for disrespect then RDMs me in the sit. Which gave me NLR in fountain district, blatant RDM for no reason. He said and I quote. "It's out of rp, so I can do whatever I want" which is probably the smartest thing I've ever seen a staff member say. I then make an F1 about it under the lines of "RDM in sit, and false mute" and Mexi handles it. The whole time I was talking to Mexi through Steam and he was showing me the things that System was saying in admin chat.
System was also spectating the sit at the time. So Mexi helped me out a lot, showed me that System was faking chat messages that I had supposedly said in chat to make what I said look worse, which was hilarious. I showed mexi the REAL chat messages and System then gave up and said, alright if you want, bring it up with chute, I'm done here. Most likely cause he knew he was fucking up. Below are the screenshots of what he said in Admin chat during my sit, again thank you Mexi for providing the screenshots and being a help to me in this report.
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP Server 1