Staff Member(s) Name: Clarky
Staff Member(s) SteamID: Not needed
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: RDMd me in my hyper
What server(s) was this on?: SSRP S1
I find this completely unacceptable.
He said he equiped an arrest batton and tried to arrest me, I was 50 feet away? at nearly all times?
thats like swinging an arrest battom from Rich District to Car Dealer and saying ":i tried to arrest you"
Either way it doesnt look like he pulled it out anyways.
if he refunds me ill let it go.
He changed his story, he lied in OOC saying HE pulled out a batton. Up until he watched the video he never realized another CDC was trying to arrest me.
this is just a blatant lie, he did it to protect himself and as soon as he seen the moment where he could get away with it he took it.
I do not want OnionRings handling this I would like to reuest a CM+