Staff Member(s) Name: Raeker...
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58124960
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Necroposting / Bringing back an old trauma of mine
What server(s) was this on?: The Bloody Forums
He revived an old personal trauma of mine by necroposting. He definitely did not say sorry nor did he send me the evidence image. If he supports that, he is lying. The lad Xnator was there hopefuly and saved the day by removing this
Traitor's demote-worthy guy's post. Why is he (Xnator) not CM yet? Anyways i strongly believe that staff members (not to mention Forum Staff) are trusted within the community and breaking the rules really makes a bad impression. If the guy who is going to handle this had a good day and decided to not
CM ban demote that
Snake Incapable staff member, then atleast warn him.
I wish that this report is handled
Seriously and that the normal procedure of handling a Report Abuse against a Staff member is followed
I wish my secret Singing Talent to remain Secret for ever and ever...