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Staff Member(s) Name: Yachty, Shae
Staff Member(s) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66415544 What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Shot me the in the head whilst i was standing still and he was trying to shoot another guy i come back say dude why did you rdm me he says "no i didnt it was crossfire" i then asked so is my nlr invalid then since it was an accident/rdm he says "no its still valid!" whilst sounding increasingly frustrated. I then check rules for crossfire and thinking my death/nlr was unfair went back and spoke to him about it he then got very angry and just started shouting at me staying something along the lines of "oh my god you mong go read the rules im staff i already know them it wasnt rdm!" or something to that extent. He then pulls me out along with Shae who both just basically rant at me for it saying were staff we know what were doing "ive been staff for a month youve been on here for probabley 5 minutes go read the rules" before warning me and flying off without me getting a word in. Literally didnt give me a chance to say anything just pulled me aside and had a massive rant at me for it. What server(s) was this on?: Dark rp Evidence: No evidence ask him im interested to see what his argument is btw if yachuty if you reply with well you were running around everywhere trying to get hit we had an argument before that of you claiming the guy was hiding behind me when i was standing still. |
Last Edit: 7 years 2 months ago by Terminatorcats.
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Terminatorcats wrote:
Evidence: No evidence ask him im interested to see what his argument is btw if yachuty if you reply with well you were running around everywhere trying to get hit we had an argument before that of you claiming the guy was hiding behind me when i was standing still. No evidence is a instant deny so it was a waste of your time doing it but feel free to make another one if you find some proof. |
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