Well, i was in spawn. And i do a base whit topaz printer, so i was defending myself, but this mod Becky R, have the eggs of bring me to a roof, freeze me automatic, saying my history and say ''stop lying hahahaha'' and put me one warn... next he drops me in the spawn, he drag me another time to the roof whit the tp AND WARN ME FOR PROPPUSH! This happened like 2 second, after he leaves me in spawn... and the best... he let me in the roof freezed. When i get unfreezed, he doesn't tp me, so i need to jump. And about this, ofc i get tilted, so i say why warn me if he drags me whit physgun/i didnt know they cant use it/ and say me lier, and 0 arguments. I have some photos if u gonna demote this mod...
Staff Member(s) Name: Becky R
Staff Member(s) SteamID: I dont know how to get it, make me sure to know it please c:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?: Repeatly flame (Well, if consider ''Lier'' a insult), Two warns whit no reasons specified, freezed when the f1 was finished.
What server(s) was this on?:: 1
Evidence: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108496012/screenshots/# steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108496012/screenshots/#
About the SAS who i mentioned in one of the screenshots... i write his name in a paper, I losed that paper. I think im retarded