Ban Request - Sparkz✔ [TTT Server]
7 years 2 months ago #731042
Sparkz✔ STEAM_0:0:198022471 Evidence of STEAM_0:0:198022471 -
sparkz profile TTT Server 10/22/2017 3:43am did not break any other rules as to rdm etc., was just using aimbot. Was using aimbot Doglife called sparkz out to me using aimbot, I then started spectating him and was couldn't confirm he was aimbot until his aim became jagged and locking onto prospect and adrian. I then warned him and kicked him for the server for using aimbot. Proof
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Ban Request - Sparkz✔ [TTT Server]
7 years 2 months ago #731170
Ban Request - Sparkz✔ [TTT Server]
7 years 2 months ago #731212
You are under no circumstances allowed to punish someone for hacking. I'll remove both the kick and the warning, if any other Head Administrator has not done so already.
Next time when you see someone hacking, please inform a Super Administrator+. If they're not on, gather proof (like now) for us to bring up in the Lead Team meeting. Whoever trained you was supposed to have told you that already.
This report will be brought up in this evening's Lead Team meeting for a vote. We'll decide on whether or not the provided evidence is valid.
Ban Request - Sparkz✔ [TTT Server]
7 years 2 months ago #731632
We voted on it in the Lead Team meeting and have decided to accept the report. The user was blatantly hacking and they have been given a warning in the game. If they do it again they'll be banned.