SSRP Map Suggestion Template
We are always looking for fresh ideas and changes, here you will find the template and what you can do to create a well-constructed suggestion!
Template:[b]Suggestion Description:[/b]
[b]What are the potential positives and negatives?:[/b]
[b]Additional notes (optional):[/b]
Here is some advice on what you can do to create a suggestion:
• Be as creative as possible. The more effort you put into a suggestion, the more likely it will be to get accepted as you are supposed to convince the community and the developers why your ideas should be implemented.
• Any replies should have some sort of relevancy to the suggestion if possible, don't derail the thread as this does clutter and becomes pretty tedious to look at. If you are going to minus support a suggestion, elaborate why you'd feel this way.
• Be honest if there are negatives, not all suggestions will have positives only and if overlook any of the negatives then that could become a potential issue in the future whereas we could figure out a solution before implementation.