Hey guys !
Lately, Raeker and myself have been shocked to see so few people abusing in TTT. It is a shame, really. So I'm making this little topic, so we can discuss about our past and best experience on, abusing and swinging the banhammer.
So here is mine :
There was this poor player, getting RDM and harassed every round. When he decided to complain and make a report, it was time for me to intervene. I brought him in a chatbox and threatening him of crushing his head with the banhammer if he kept bothering our lazy staff. He cried and called for help in voice chat, saying I was corrupted. I literally pissed myself from the lulz, thanked him for his compliment and banned his sorry ass for 365 days. "See you next year, thank you for your time xD"
Who do users think they are ?
Anyway, your turn fellow TTT colleagues
It'a joke I swear don't ban me ! But please join in !