@tyler @morgan @sora @chummy
7 years 5 months ago #679431
Im sorry for my actions as a Admin and i know all my mistakes i have done like the racist ban that i shouldnt have done. I should have just not pit what i did and carry on woth my day and do other things that wasnt abuse and I know what i have done was wrong and wont happen again
@tyler @morgan @sora @chummy
7 years 5 months ago #679453
It always takes a lot and shows a lot when someone isn't afraid to admit their mistakes and apologize. Hope to see you back on the server with a refreshed outlook on everything.
@tyler @morgan @sora @chummy
7 years 5 months ago #679642
Standing up and admitting to your faults is always appreciated, no matter what you did. Thank you for apologising, I - and I'm sure others as well - appreciate it
@tyler @morgan @sora @chummy
7 years 5 months ago #679681
Good on you for admitting it and owning it to the entire community. Maybe amend that apology to be to everyone, but I'm not too picky. When you're back on, unless Tyler feels otherwise, you should receive your rank back and go back to administrating like you were doing just fine before your mistakes.