Before we begin, yes. It's clear to me that this probably isn't going to happen, ever.
A thread was posted where the
punishment of hacking is discussed, which as I stated on the thread was a very good idea. Thanks to the CM ParaMontana, for bringing up the question and communicating with us! Props to him.
Well, this led me to think that I could make a sort of new "ethos" system. Just for fun. Maybe If the community likes it they could just sort of support it or whatever.
Anyways let's begin, so you can see where this is going:
Minor offenses (such as FailRP, propblock etc)
1st offense: Warn
2nd offense: Warn
3rd and above: up to a month
1st offense: Verbal warn
2nd offense: warn
3rd offense: week ban
4th and above: 2 week ban up to perma with chance to appeal
RDM/mass RDM/CDM with with trolling
1st offense: warn
2nd offense: 2 day ban
3rd offense: up to 1 month
4th and above: up to perma
(This should be obvious, but there's some people that just want to fuck around and destroy everything, so fuck those people)
Disrespect (not minor, purpose disrespect, not a dark joke or any sorta-stereotypical joke that isn't hurting anyone. We aren't a social justice warrior community)
1st offense: warn
2nd offense: warn
3rd offense: day ban
4th and above: up to a week
1st offense: Perma with chance to appeal
2nd offense: Perma without chance to appeal
3rd offense(on another server): Global ban without chance to appeal
Server crash threat (such as DDOS, propspam etc)
1st offense: week ban
2nd offense: perma ban with chance to appeal
3rd offense: global ban without chance to appeal
Purposely causing server crashes (such as DDOS, Prop spam etc)
1st offense: Month ban without chance to appeal
2nd offense: Perma ban without chance to appeal
3rd offense on different server: Global ban without chance to appeal
(all punishment should be decided based of the situation)
Obviously those aren't all the rules that can be broken. But It should just be a concept that never will be accepted anyways. (Maybe with a little bit of luck). I'd rather have a server with 70 people that play by the rules than a server with 90 people where 20 are always doing some stupid shit.
Sorry If I am writing like a pleb. No sleep