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My name is redXXskull, most commonly known on the server for trouble making. BUT, you gotta understand, the staff members that take care of me............don't abuse, mostly moderators don't abuse, administrators abuse almost every time on, from false warns to false bans. The best part about administrators, they don't give a shit about rule breakers unless it affects them. I have seen people mass rdming, mass rdaing, prop abusing, And unless someone proppushes the admins car or rdms them, they won't care, That happen'd today with joey recon and me, Everyone on the server was breaking rules from rdm to proppush, I proppushed joeys car, and he banned me for 12 hours for constant propkill, I don't think proppushing one person is constant. This happens all the time on the server................Look you don't have to listen to me, I mean I'm probably wasting my time writing this, because, Who are you most likely to listen to, A user, or admin. Anyway I just want to plant this seed in your head. If the server keeps up the "great" work..............................the server will eventually go empty. See ya
Last Edit: 7 years 6 months ago by redXXskull.
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If you want to get unbanned, use this template
. [b]Name -[/b] What is your in-game name?
[b]STEAM-ID -[/b] What is your STEAM-ID?
[b]Admins name -[/b] Who banned you/who might it be?
[b]Reason -[/b] What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
[b]Server -[/b] What server did you get banned from?
[b]Time -[/b] How long were you banned for?
[b]Story -[/b] What happend?
[b]Proof -[/b] Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened?
[b]Extra information -[/b] Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban. |
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Who are you most likely to listen to, A user, or admin. The one who's right! |
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Nutzu3650XL wrote:
Studio Banter wrote:
Who are you most likely to listen to, A user, or admin. The one who's right! You ban him! |
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Nutzu3650XL wrote:
Studio Banter wrote:
I hate the left Who are you most likely to listen to, A user, or admin. The one who's right! |
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Studio Banter
el une spodermun wrote:
Nutzu3650XL wrote:
Studio Banter wrote:
I hate the leftWho are you most likely to listen to, A user, or admin. The one who's right! I like the right1 |
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