As most of you know i resigned from prophunt last week, and from ttt yesterday. I thought what would a resignation be without a thank you list so here it is.
Zarp helped me to make lots of new friends wich were nice people, and i had a lot of fun even when i had a bad day.
I want to thank. Megumin and captain obvious for being my first good friends on zarp, with wich one i play event today outside of zarp.
I would like to thank jhonler for being my trainer to became a moderator on ttt, and raeker for training me to become an admin on ttt and moderator on prophunt. Both of you are nife guysz and i had a lot of fun olaying with you and sometimes messing around.
A very important staff member that i had a lot of fun is Leopatra, we messed around and played hide and seek when therr were no other players on, on ttt server 2. Other people that was tun tonplay hide and seek om ttt server 2 were khai, plebian, and banana.
Kana, a more active staff member i've never seen, everyday on and aleays helping people with problems.
Khai and banana, i had a lot of fun playing with you cs and ttt.
Grumpy and hazenator, you helped me a lot on ssrp, i had a lot of fun robing banks with you and doing nukes.
Xnator, thank you for bringing so many servers on zarp, they all are amazing, i m looking forward to learn to code and maybe one day to make a server for zarp.
Diamondwolfi, i know we argued a lot, but whats the point of playing with someoene if there are no argues, everything is simple and boring. With you i loled at the most simple things without any sense.
Toto, you are you, there are no other random people like you.
Slifer, all i got to ask is, are you a real dragon ?
Morgan, we got mistaken a lot of times, yet it was cool when people were saying to kill you instead of me.
Jim jam, you are a cool man, had fun with you on ttt a lot.
And plebian, your scream, i didnt see anyone getting scared and scream so hard when they get killed. 1 amazing memory with you i have is when i played hide and seek on csgo with you, khai, banana, and we trolled around and lied to you on how to get to the person that hid on top of a tree.
If i forgot someone, i would like to apologise, and just message me.
I m just resigning from zarp, i will still play time to time on servers, and if anyone wants to play something with me, i m looking forward, and i will be happy
Note(i would like to keep the badges on ts)