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i was banned for 4 days when i was told i would be banned for 1 hour
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For what server?
The topic has been locked.
zarp gaming server 1
The topic has been locked.
You'll need to make an appeal by clicking this link: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/appeals/topic/create
Use this template: [b]Name -[/b] What is your in-game name?
[b]STEAM-ID -[/b] What is your STEAM-ID?
[b]Admins name -[/b] Who banned you/who might it be?
[b]Reason -[/b] What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
[b]Server -[/b] What server did you get banned from?
[b]Time -[/b] How long were you banned for?
[b]Story -[/b] What happend?
[b]Proof -[/b] Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened?
[b]Extra information -[/b] Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban. |
The topic has been locked.