Before you read this post, please keep in mind that this is very serious and if you don't play on taking it seriously, don't respond. On another note, this gets quite depressing so if you can't deal with that kind of stuff don't view this further.
Also, before you read this, why am I telling you this you ask? So people can know me better, and so I can get this off my chest. I also want people to know so they can know how to address me easier.
My entire life has been filled with depression and sorrows, but mostly what I'm going to talk about later. For now, let's talk about my upbringing. Age 1, my Birth Father was threatening to drive off a cliff while I was sitting in the back seat of his car. My mom saved me from that situation, and that's when he started abusing her. Because of this abuse, she couldn't take care of me so I was sent to live with my Aunt and Uncle as an adoptive family. Towards age 5-6 I was taken to a facility, I remember what it looked like but not it's name. I remember it costed my adoptive parents around 10,000$ to get me tested and diagnosed with PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Mild insomnia, and what I will be talking to you about later. My parents tried everything for the next few years, spending tons of money and time to try and seek help for me to make my life easier for me.
Eventually, they gave up... 30 or so counselors later, dozens of pills and medications later, they gave up. I became their slave. I ate 2 meals a day which was okay because I was usually out of the house doing things in the afternoon anyways. When I wasn't outside, I was inside doing constant chores, cleaning the house, and doing things normal kids do, right? Wrong. Age 8-9... I'm in my kitchen making food when my adoptive father come up behind me and holds a butcher knife to my throat. He wants to talk to me about my personality. He wants me to change it to meet his and my adoptive mother's standards and personality otherwise bad things would happen (not saying what for legal reasons). From then on, I was a perfect child. I did everything they wanted, said everything they wanted me to say, and acted exactly how they wanted. They didn't even want me. They wanted a daughter, a perfect one at that. Now this is where I have to tell you guys. I have Multiple Personality Disorder. My other personality is known as "Sierra". My adoptive parents adapted to this, and named her "Sierra Skye Griffin" after me. We are completely different personalities, and she kind of ruined my life in a way. Anyways, from that day on anytime I had anything to do with my adoptive parents it was her that would talk to them or do things for them. Right after I turned 13, I ended up doing something stupid. My adoptive parents went out for the night and my friend Jakob was over for the night. He and I ended up leaving the house which they strictly said not to do. We went riding our bikes out at midnight, which pissed my adoptive parents off immensely. They ended up sending me to my grandparents for a week. During that week, I ended up getting head lice, which I stayed and extra week to get rid of. During that week, I ended up explaining my entire life events to my Grandma, who had helped me in the past with small things i'd told her. Long story short, she didn't let me go home. She sent me to my birth mom again, age 13, And I lived with my grandma and grandpa every other week, my birth mother every other week. A few months later, my grandma passes away from 4 types of cancer. I then move in with my Birth Mom permanantly, and am still living there today. Tl;dr, I have multiple personality disorder. I've typed this as of 7/5/2017, and whenever Sierra takes over, she'll be finishing it.
Okay, so I had no idea Skyler was going to be doing something like this yet. I just want to say hi to you all, and I look forward to meeting you all now that I am welcomed. -Sierra
Please, do not hate me after this post. I am still me, but depending on who you are you will be meeting her. It took a lot of courage to post this, and I'd like it to be taken seriously please. Questions can be asked below...