Anon_Gaming wrote:
I want to add to the post, with a slight more indepth and description of it.
When it comes to each personality they are technically not born, but are their own personality, however, they are actually just parts of the original person, and can be separated primarily due to trauma, and primarily to a young child.
Each personality can have it's own characteristics, name, accent, gender, age, etc(weird as fuck i know).
Anna/Akemi, both females, with akemi being a "Fragment" or "Section" of anna's original personality split off.
Some people have good personalities and some don't, anna and akemi are both friends, however for me, the 2 bastards in my head are not, Anna also knows the name, and has spoken, I have only recently learnt the name of 1 of my personalities, and only ever hear them speak at night(yes you can hear them talking in your head, confusing when you first start having it).
MPD or it's medical/ proper name, DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder), can be good or bad depending on person.
No the other personalities are not there from birth, you can end up developing new ones over time.
They tend to come out, based on triggers, and are called alters.
Some people believe this disorder to be not real, or strange, some not possible, however, for people experiencing it, truly know.
On another note, Everyone on occasion experiences some form of DID, which relates to Day dreaming primarily. but with the disorder, you get a whole range of weird shit.
Out of curiosity, Anon, I sometimes occasionaly hear someone shouting my name in my head. Is that a form of DID?