So I hit 4k posts, hype.
Thanks to these guys who make my time at zarp fun, in no particular order.
Please note i'm not going to be thanking someone just for being staff or creating the server.
These are thank yous for things people have done that has directly affected me in a positive nature.
True legend, been in ZARP with you a for a while, not as long as others but still very long. It's a shame we have had arguments over petty things, one of which got you perma'd, ayy lmao.
Hopefully you continue to stay the way you are because normies are weird.
I remember when we both joined ZARP through Jailbreak, we may have been the two biggest retards at the time, both squeeky as fuck, me still being pretty fucking squeeky.
We do argue over some really petty things but they always seem to resolve themselves.
Goodluck with the completing Crash Bandicoot!
BazaraxeI wish I didn't have to live with you
Microsoft AccessYou're the real MVP, I never thought I'd find myself actually talking to you, but here we are owning a largly succesful gang together!
Hopefully you don't leave anytime soon mate!
Sam the SausageTrue legend, known you for some time now and you and I always do truely funny shit.
Gmod TrollerI know you been in zarp for a very long time but only in the past year or two have we actually started becoming good mates.
I am hoping things go well for you in your future, you're a great guy and you were an awesome super admin back in the day.
The Gamer GuyI am the real one <3
SadaYou are a huge shitlord, met you on server three and we started basing together. Since then we've been pretty good mates, you're a legend!
RhysMy Scottish babe, one of the funniest people I know.
Hopefully one day you will let me look up your kilt
xxmasterxxI met you through Evilstewie on his Discord, since then you've kept me updated with your drugged up drunk shenanigans through Snapchat.
You may need to get checked because you're that fucking crazy.
MexiAlthough we don't talk directly, you're a fun person to play with on SSRP, you are an awesome and a very funny person.
GloraticYou AFK mine, stop it.
NikoYou would usually be the person I'd be a dick to and despite your age I still think you are a great person, same goes for your cousin.
Tell Wheelie to give me the knife he owes me
SorleMy fucking G, you and I have some great fun on zarp and other servers / games, you and I both know some of the jokes we make are fucked up, but that just makes them funnier.
BlockedAlways has been a great guy and believes in the right things and has good ideas for zarp to get SSRP in a good state
ExrobiteYou used to be king shit post, now just just lurk and play a servers which actually lets you roleplay and then come here to minge from time to time.
SonzyI remember you helped me get community banned by supplying me with tools to RDM on SSRP, god damn it was funny but I do regret it.
Not talked to you in a while but you're a funny person when we do talk.
RyzoYour brother is a right minge, you not so much, come back pls.
Thanks to you guys, there is soo many others and if you feel you were missed then just let me know, I'll add you if I think you deserve it.