Birthday / Thank you!
7 years 7 months ago #614259
Well today is my birthday, I guess, I'll make a post about my feelings regarding this community. I have joined this community early 2016, befor the Gencorp Update. And when the summer holidays ended, I took a break. And I just cake back, but I met some great new people and I was warmly welcomed by the people who still know me. Some may say this community is breakin apart, but I still believe that this community is one big family. I decided to make this post to thank the people, who helped me become a member of this family.
Many might not know him, but he is the one who gave me my first million, who made me stay and play more on SSRP.
I thought you were the server owner, when I first joined the server. I always looked up to you and you may have contributed a bit to me applying for moderator. I see you becomming the next Community Manager, but first I will support you to become a Head Admin. Don't leave us again!
I saw your rise to Super Admin and you are an amazing girl. Always here for some jokes and giggles. I see you going far in this community.
When I left you were an admin, but I came back and you actually made it. You have become a very aspering person to me and you motivated me to reapply and become an admin again.
You were the one girl on SSRP that I met back when I was a mod. First I thought you were a boy, but you suprised me and became the first "gamer girl" I ever met. I'm sad that you peft this community, but if you read this, please hit me up on steam again.
You deserve your spot as community manager and I respect your contribution to the Zarp managment. I hope that you will stay here and help us become a better community.
Thank you for coding the SSRP game mode, your updates are amazing.
Without you there might be no Zarp, thanks for holding this community together.
I may have forgotten someone, please inform me in the comments if it is you!
Since today is my birthday I would like to ask you for a present, I want to know, how you made your wealth. I'm super poor and I haven't made more then 100 million and currently I'm back to 2 million. So if you told me your trick to make loads of money, I would be happy!
Birthday / Thank you!
7 years 7 months ago #614356
Happy birthday! My trick was to buy boosters during Easter, open the iridium cases and sell the hyper suits for whatever way too overpriced prize I can sell them for.