I am pointing this out i don't give a fuck about being banned ill try to be civil but a great staff member left today he resigned because of your staffing and you decide to move it to drama hole and banning him, For telling the truth. You treat any other server like shit just because you want the money from ssrp that i understand but to neglect the server so much that you don't even realise all the stuff the owners do all you really care about is your own profit.
I have lost all respect for the owners Chute claiming that he did nothing.
He has done more for the server in the two months he has been co-owner than has been done in the history of Deathrun . In my opinion Pitt does more than the community team. You should be giving him legendary member not banning him you do it just because you were called out. He should be praised for all he did not treating him like shit.
Chuteuk wrote:
Thank you for all your work. Best of luck with your Media & Film course for the future.
This reply sums up all pitt was saying, You get called out and you don't even care you take this as a joke the community team makes me sick. Good luck with your stupid fucking community