XxmasterxX wrote:
Sam the Sausage wrote:
Honestly master, I'm sick of these posts from you. Everyone is done with your bullshit always saying you're sorry every time you fuck up and you beg for forgiveness. Well buddy, this is the fifth or sixth "sorry" post you've made and I'm sure that nobody wants to hear it from you anymore. You've failed everyone that had any faith in you to get better, but you keep on fucking up and blaming it on others. Learn to take responsibility for your own actions, and how about you learn to stop doxing people, doesn't make you look tough on the internet. Just makes you look like a complete fag who wants attention, which is basically what you are.
Dude I never doxed anyone I helped people in it but nothing to do with xnators dox I did make an fake dox of my self but nothing else what happen before to you you were minging with the people I was minging with and you are nothing better than me you have helped them doxed people last night fucking saying I need to change change your self.
Nice slander there bud, I never helped dox anyone, nor have I ever done it myself. You on the other hand have, you're nothing but a liar and a pussy. Own up to your mistakes, because every time you don't, you just look like more of a retard.