This will be my REAL formal apology to the people i hurt and attacked. I'm very apologetic in this apology.
People will say "Why are you even trying" And stuff like that. I've been banned for just under a month now.
Yes my rulebreaks were over the top and excsessive but i want to show i can change and that i have. The reason why i'm even trying is because Zarp means alot to me. I'm bored without it. I have nothing to do without SSRP. It's my favourite server. People will say i'm lying as i always get banned and it seems like i do it on purpose sometimes but i swear i don't. I swear i've changed. Just please..
This is my formal apology to the community And players of SSRP.
If you don't know who i am i joined Zarp On the 16th December 2015 and since then have gotten mutiple warnings and bans on SSRP including two CM bans.
Recently i got back from a CM ban, This is only because i lied on my appeal about me changing.
If you want to read my appeal it will be at the end of the post in a spoiler.
I'm sorry for being a massive minge and breaking rules whenever i got on the server. I recently got perma banned for excessive warnings on SSRP, This included me rdming, breaking nlr etc. Even rdming someone making them loose a 175M+ item. I don't know why i did this but i need to change and need to change fast. I'm sorry if i affected you by any of the stuff i did, Breaking rules, Being offensive etc.
I lied on my cm ban appeal by saying i changed. I said i'd break no rules at all and it was all just a big lie on my part.
If you would like to speak with me add me on steam and we can talk about my ban and other stuff i did, Also if you feel i did something bad to you, Offend you etc add me on steam so i can apologise and give you something on SSRP if i get unbanned.
I'm sorry for breaking rules and ruining peoples fun. I've changed and only time will show.
People who i'm sorry towards from people who i've hurt or attacked to someone i may of ignored when they needed my help or someone elses.
Para, I'm sorry for all the things i've done to you which go from personally harrasing you and attacking you. I should not of done this and i'm sorry for this.
Tyler i'm also sorry for everything i've done to you also by attacking you and wasting your time.
I don't know if you still come on the fourms but i want to say sorry for all the shit i've put you through and i hope you forgive me.
I know i'm ok with you now but i still want to say sorry also for all the shit i've put you through such as personal comments, Annoying you etc.
Clarky, Where do i start, I've harrased you mutiple times and disrespected you alot also. I'm sorry for this and i won't do it again i swear.
The SSRP Community
I'm sorry for being a massive minge but i've tried to change now. You probbaly wont belive me but if i ever do get unbanned i won't be breaking rules 24/7 but not breaking any rules,
The ZARP community in general
I've fucked my chances over with this community and feel as if i'm lucky to be here which i am, I'm sorry for doing mutiple things that have made me loose my respect. I did much things to fuck over my chances and even to be here, Such as lie to even get un community banned both times.
TL:DR I'm sorry for all the things i've done and asking for another chance. You probbaly won't give me one but it's worth a try.
If you feel i have harmed and harrased you please add me on steam so we can talk about it. Thank you.
Thank you