Hi, Raeker.
First of all, as someone with a diagnosed mental illness, I'd like to recognise how important it is that this topic is addressed. You're right. Bullying isn't acceptable. Hell, it's a crime if pushed far enough.
But, while I am not advocating for bullying in any way, I think it's important to remember that a lot of users - including those in our staff team - are quite young. The majority of players are under the age of 18, and I think it's important to remember that people that age are still in school, where trash-talking, joke insults, and "banter" are a part of school-life.
Plus, another thing to keep in mind is that, while this doesn't really matter in the long run - the vast majority of our players are male. Mixing that desire to be the alpha dog at an age where hormones are running wild only makes things worse.
Maybe you might be thinking "What the hell does this have to do with the topic?". Maturity isn't something this place does well. It's not necessarily the worst thing, as it's only natural, and a lot of the people here are decent. And sure, age isn't the biggest issue, all things considered. I mean, we have people over the age of eighteen who can still act like total idiots and take things a step too far at times.
But still, it's important to take note of the fact that you're in a community with guys who'll just fuck about, screw with people, and not understand. Empathy is lacking, and it's shitty, but it's also part of what defines being a youth. Understanding what empathy actually is.
I had a bad day the other day, and Katje was screwing with me, playfully. I asked him to stop, he stopped and even tried to make me feel better. As we grow, we learn to be better people, we learn to accept what is and is not correct and the ones who don't get weeded out one day.
Don't worry. Your concerns are being noted and will be addressed. If someone pushes that button one too many times, chances are, shit will hit the fan. People will suffer. And people will be punished.
There are a lot more points that can be made, but I can't really make 'em just now as it's almost 3AM and I'm friggin' exhausted. Lol.