I thought I would make this thread as a place for people to show some love and support for Manchester following the horror of last nights events in the city. I know a lot of people in this community have friends and family who live in and around Manchester too.
As the events unfolded we learnt that 22 people were killed in an explosion and 59 more injured in what will be remembered as one of the worst terror attacks on a UK city of our time.
We are all too familiar over recent years with the news headlines and attacks taking place in and around our great cities however this one stands out as particularly cowardly, particularly cold and evil.
The fact that someone chose to take explosives to a place where children were celebrating, having the time of their life shows the pure evil that runs through the minds of the people who choose to terrorise us.
I know the whole community will join us in showing some love tonight for the people of Manchester and share a prayer or a thought for those who lost their lives.
Thank you