Login to ZARP
Hey, im on one of my monthly visits again.
What have i missed? - Lowkey miss Zarp tho. |
Last Edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Dallas..
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Well Lead Team apps are perm open and we have some new ssrp lead team. Captin i back and has restored to all his previous ranks. Luan resigned, Anon is surf owner, EMP is getting more active! Good times lad.
EDIT: There is a new server called PropHunt and TheXnator and Grumpy owner it |
Ex - SSRP Super Admin
Ex - SURF Super Admin Ex - Teamspeak Staff Ex - SSRP Section Moderator Ex - Server Applications Section Moderator Ex - Prophunt Administrator
Last Edit: 7 years 8 months ago by Raifster123.
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Welcome, you could apply now for LT.
Ex. SSRP Super Administrator
Ex. Forum Global Moderator Ex. BHOP Administrator Ex. TeamSpeak Staff Ex. Discord staff
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I know what you've missed, You can apply for HA And SA
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