AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO AYY LMAO. le kek so kek dae le thanks lori? xD ftw le really really like this image xP xDxDxD tfw no gf
DAE LITERALLY WHO? I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIST jam of a lifetime haha nice mememusic pleb i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men dont listen to le dadrock xD fuck reddit!!!!! dae vaporwave lel epic!!!!!! ;p 300 LIKE THE ROMANS!! xDDDDDD, sent
! xD, JENNY DEATH WHEN?!?!??!, le epic tripfriend! whos your waifu? le epic MAC DEMARCO GOOFBALL!!!! le epic patrician here, ama
, death grips is ICP? keke ebin... HES POINTING AT US
XDDDDD, best new post, lelele so much kek FLAC FTW vinyl!!!!!11 dae le weebteam? ;D le k-on ftw! epic memes, ]
tips fedora, whats essential fedoracore? LE BACK TOMEME wow memez? FLEX UR MUSCLES! 8D what.cd
)))))) THE FACT THAT SO MANY BOOKS......... le meme grips (im a memer) dae le fantano!!! MELON :dd dae feels? le sad frog faec. ALL RAP IS MEMERAP, REPORTED FOR VIRAL MARKETING dae le Antz!? PRO-TIP: YOU CAN'T XDddddd!!!111 haha le Beatles are underrated dae le CLT le dubs goy! le hehehehehehe..... pitchfork general @:=] 8.7 xd le why dont you kids like the tool? is this a le new meme!?!?! screen capped for that sweet memeing xD. inside is yellow
WHEN I WAS!!!!!1 i used to be a pleb now im le p4k patrician : THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST top kek, toppest of keks, le inside is yellow? hahahaha le 3x3 thread. fucking epic ass meme i love that fucking meme so much man wait let me just plays trout mask replica : rips a bong AHHHHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dae trap influenced beats and FARTY SYNTHS yo man 311 - Down is in town 3 1 1 - D O W N breaks glass EEEEEEEEEEEbin simply E B I N, literally eb: the in xD haha TIME MACHINE MODULUS, hey this isn't cringe it's actually quite good xDD that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E haha us amirite