Gamerfunhouse wrote:
Gamersfunhouse wrote:
Gamerfunhouse wrote:
Grand Wizowd wrote:
Gamerfunhouse wrote:
Grand Wizowd wrote:
Gamerfunhouse wrote:
Grand Wizowd wrote:
What's with ...
If you're gonna pretend to be me at least spell my name right...
How do you spell it?
Is it really that hard to miss an S?
Look I only saw you in game before and this is how I remember spelling it first time on the forums
And now you're impersonating me?
Nah you changed your name soo this name was free to take I'm reporting you having the same name as me but with an S chnage it in had it first you was the grand wizard or something a minute ago so this name was free to be taken
Are you on some sort of drug?