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Deathrun has been rolled back to before Micky and Pitt were there so everyone has lost their staff rank other than Chute Emp and Biwx (B4nQk0k is still staff as he was staff at the point it was rolled back to) Can someone come on and fix it Bhop is extremely broken no pointshop no f3 menu you have to spamm jump and playermodels are all black
Studio Banter wrote:
Mage you will always be remembered as the first person to write a fuck you list on Zarp and a bonus for not getting it deleted.
Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Jeppe. Reason: added ss
The topic has been locked.
I'll inform the owners and this should be fixed ASAP. As of now, stick to the DarkRP servers until the other servers are fixed/online.
Last Edit: 7 years 9 months ago by Clarky.
The topic has been locked.