Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533712
Looking for an animated signature. The text shall say: TTT Super Admin. Forum Staff. TS Staff. SSRP Admin. Deathrun Admin.
Do whatever font you think will fit the best. Background is not that important.
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533713
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533735
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533736
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533747
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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Looking for signature!
7 years 9 months ago #533750