Bigwhal wrote:
Prostitition Is Illegal Okay?
wrong, Welcome to holland baby
Is prostitution legal in the Netherlands?
Prostitution as such has never been a criminal offence in the Netherlands, provided it was
voluntary and that no minors were involved. Brothels, however, were illegal until 1 October
2000, when articles 250bis and 432 were removed from the Criminal Code and the ban on
brothels and pimping lifted. It is now legal to run a business where men or women over the
age of consent are voluntarily employed as sex workers. The person running the business
must satisfy certain conditions and obtain a licence from the local authorities (if required).
Moreover, the bill concerning the regulation of prostitution and prevention of abuses in the
sex industry (‘the new bill’) makes licences compulsory, so as to standardise policy across
different municipalities. Sex clubs, brothels and escort services may therefore operate as
legal businesses. The Netherlands is one of the first countries in the world to recognise
voluntary adult prostitution as a normal occupation.