what is your age in 10 years minus 4
have u ever touched a cow?
Yes mondays I work on a farm
do u wear wooly gloves while gaming?
do you wear fake glasses?
you have friends to share your feelings with, you have friends to play with, but do you also have friends to die with?
No I will be dead before my friends die
how many times a day do you think of cheese?
Once or twice mainly when eating breakfast or lunch
are you stronger than you were last week?
Yes boi I lift everyday
what is your current height?
Fuck knows, taller than gamersfunhouse though
do you like coleslaw?
Fucking love it
healthiest thing u ever ate?
Grass in year 6
best food you can cook?
I made a nice homemade pasta and fish dish from scratch
how good can you cook on a scale of 1 - 10
6 (my dad is a headchef so it runs in my blood)
have u ever had that feeling you dreamt you were about to die but then woke up on the toilet only to realise u were tripping on acid?
Acid is bad
favorite drinking game?
Taking a shot for every sorry thread an old cm banned member made
worst injury u gave urself on accident?
I dont really get many injury's but I think the worst I have done was when I first got my pen knife I was tapping my arm with it while watching youtube and sliced the fuck out of my arm and it looked like I had self harmed like mad , nearly gave my mother a heart attack
favorite drink?

favorite food?
I fucking love sushi
what is your dream car?
Smart car that is fast as fuck with a roll cage in it so when I slam on the breaks I roll like a fucking armadillo
do u like old or young cheese?
Young and mild cheese
when are there too many questions?

what is the longest you have ever been awake?
Around 50 or so hours, I did like an all nighter gaming then went to a party and drank till like 3 am then passed out for a whole 3 hours and was hung over as fuck for the rest of the weekend
do you have hay-fever?
I get AWFUL hay fever

what do you want your career to be in the future?
I would love to own my own animal rescue center/company like the RSPCA
how many kids do you want when ur older?
Animal rescue
on a scale of 1 to 10 how much is my mom related to a pig?
i'd say 10I wouldn't class your mother as a pig