Jettzzy wrote:
Jim_Jam wrote:
Jettzzy wrote:
Jim_Jam wrote:
Jettzzy wrote:
Raa is the worst Yu-Gi-Oh card. Kuriboh is clearly the best.
Still looks nice tho.
Jim_Jam wrote:
Yeeeeaaah no.
Haven't seen you in a while, I just want to thank you for the league skins

Yeah no problem dude! Really don't care to be honest. Doesn't effect me one bit lmao.
goes back to zarp and tries to be a suck up because got hated :c
Maybe because that TS was full of immature.. nvm.
You stay there with Magic

Immature, yes.
The only reason you went back to ZARP is because I kicked you from a channel and you started getting upset about it started poking me saying shit.
Poor Jim Jam :c
A big reason I came back was because you weren't going to buy me stuff anymore so there's no point of me being there.
-Not going any further with this,
we you are ruining Raa's thread