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Well this admin warned me for nothing please remove it
the warning was RDM |
The topic has been locked.
then that means you RDM'D admins dont lie
The topic has been locked.
First off you need to fill out the template which you can find here and you need to provide some evidence otherwise the warning wont get removed that is for sure
The topic has been locked.
Make an unwarn appeal
The topic has been locked.
Fill in this template and put it in the appeal section
Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who Warned You?
Warning Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)?
Server - Which Server did this occur on?
Story/Situation (What Happened?) -
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? |
The topic has been locked.