Hello. I am the community owner of Imperium Gaming. The community is well known for creating such servers as:
World War 1 Trench Warfare RP and Harambe RP
Recently a member of our dev team, death driver, left our community for yours. That is 100% fine, and i shouldent be the one to tell someone what community they want to be apart of.
The problem is that death driver deleted everything he could when he left.
He deleted:
-Our Donation Site
-Many Servers That Our devs and i created
And much much more.
Luckily, i was able to fix all these problems, and revert everything back to how they were.
However death driver is now apart of your community as Moderator. Your servers are at risk as well, and i hope you understand from me saying this what type of person death driver is. I am requesting that you dont give death driver any form of power, even moderator. As in his eyes, he has been rewarded and untouched from the crimes and wrong he has committed.
Thank you.