ParaMontana: HEKKIE??
Apox: Best builder ever!
Raifster: I double date him! Helped me get the picture for Kallll
Bannana Boy: U WOT M8?
Kris Dude: A great friend
Chuteuk: Hunts down all the Facebook leakers
AnonGaming: Total minge in SSRP but a great guy to talk to
DeathRazor: Great guy to talk to
OnionRings: Great friend
Kalllllllll: Gave me a free ACS when i lost it and a great guy to talk to
PRO x HD ScopeZ: Helped me out a lot back when i became admin for the first time
Klaprefort: Mutants <3
Mexi: Great minge, Great friend
R-Flex: Great guy, Makes the best banners
Annasia: Very nice and kind person!
CoutinRoy: Great guy
Joestar: So happy that i have met you mate
TroubleMaker: Eminem <3
VeGoVeVO: Great guy
Jordz: You know why you are on this list <3
Morgan: Helped me a lot when i first became staff
BremFM: Great guy, Come play on SSRP again yeah?
Gabn: Nice guy to talk to and hope to see you back on the staff team
Blown: Very nice guy
Clarky: Helps me, great guy in general, Thanks for the badge!
El une spodermun: Shutterstock
Teddyy: Great guy
SyStem: Best voice in the world and the nicest person in the world
Pennybomber: Will not forget you
Hazzenator: Great guy
Patrick: Gave me a free thunder gun and a nice guy in general
Max: Thanks for the training dude!