What are your everyday routines?
7 years 11 months ago #491593
Lewis_is_java wrote:
The weekdays:
Gym and praise the lord for gains i receive
go out an do enormous amounts of drugs which ultimately ruin the body i'm trying to build, but dancing for near enough 8 hours straight in a mosh pit is good cardio a suppose
What are your everyday routines?
7 years 11 months ago #491602
1. Wake Up
2. Shitpost on ZARP
3. Play GMOD (potentially get warned or beg for verbal)
4. Get told I should not be in this community
5. Find some shitposts
6. Watches Clickbait videos
7. breakfast
8. school
9. home
10. shitpost
11. gmod
12. kms in sleep
13. repeat
What are your everyday routines?
7 years 10 months ago #498490
Wake up
go back to sleep
wake up
get changed
get a lift to school
sleep in car
goto school 6hrs
catch bus home
sleep for 30mins
wake up
sleep another 30mins
go on pc
go on ts
play what my friends are playing
rainbow six - rust - perp
netflix / youtube