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Name: Plague
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:57944426 Time / Date of when it happened: 2/11/17, 6-7pm CET Item's lost: Black Diamond printer & Gencorp orange printer Proof *VIDEO/PICTURES*: http://imgur.com/a/M7vAr Story: i wen't AFK for awhile with two printers down because the server was basically empty and i was sure no one would raid me because i was in a less used spot, while i was afk the server had the valentines day update, i joined back in once i stopped being afk and had the chance to refund them, but when i type the refund codes in chat, it says i don't have any items to refund. Unfortunately i wasnt recording but i hope the screenshot is enough. |
SIX BODIES DROPPED & NO BODY WENT TO HEAVEN steamcommunity.com/id/saltswitch Games owned: 127 Games played: 83 (65%) Hours on record: 4,167.5h [/list
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bro you gotta do /refund all
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oh, right, blind zarp noob in me coming out. tfw you do this in spawn thinking they'll get added to ur inventory. topic can be locked or deleted
SIX BODIES DROPPED & NO BODY WENT TO HEAVEN steamcommunity.com/id/saltswitch Games owned: 127 Games played: 83 (65%) Hours on record: 4,167.5h [/list
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