Serious Debate about Good Luck
8 years 1 day ago #477855
Constructive posting there, non constructive posting elsewhere. What if you take apart the framework and look at the concept again? This phenomenal of posting good luck that has surfaced in late 2016 and has dwindled but still continuing to today.
The product of the selling/buying of SSRP/Points thread is to catch buyers/sellers who are interested in whatever is on offer and either accept or offer their proposal. Yet good luck posts offer no value to these threads, thus are what is deemed non-constructive. Some are even guilty of not even looking at the thread and posting the same old but opposite of what it is after.
Serious Debate about Good Luck
8 years 1 day ago #477860
I see these "Good Luck" post spams as basically just those people's way to gain more "posts" towards their profiles, I find it to be just another excuse to so called "shitpost" and there probably isn't really any good intention behind it that has anything to do with the actual post or the writer himself.
Serious Debate about Good Luck
8 years 1 day ago #477882
Fine I'll rephrase it.
Good luck posts are not constructive on selling/buying threads as they don't contribute anything. And I never talked of making a rule about it, it is already in the TOU.