Tyler Durden wrote:
BananaSlanger wrote:
Tyler Durden wrote:
If you think someone can just "teach" you "art" then you got it all wrong my dude.
Well i dont know, u can teach people how to make it thougth.
Well, art being a very broad term it's difficult to grasp what exactly you want to learn. There are a bunch of things that can be perceived to be art. But given that most people consider a visual image as art, are you trying to learn to paint or make GFX or something?
From his other posts, I'd see he wants to learn a gif.
Creativity is not something you learn really, it's something you either have it don't. Sure, you can "train" it I guess, but no big increasements.
Making a gif is pretty hard. Learning how to, and doing it for the first time, even more so. It'll be a long and tedious process and if you only want it done for this one gif you want, you'd be better off paying someone to do it for you.