[align=center:24j2gwqy][font=times new roman:24j2gwqy][size=360:24j2gwqy]
The Angels[/size][/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]
Main Post[/font:24j2gwqy][/align:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]
Most people think of Angels as holy, peaceful creatures. However, Playing ZARP will change your mind. On ZARP, the Angels are known as the kind of power that will crush those foolish enough to stand in our path. We are here for one reason. we are here for the DarkRPers who enjoy the dark side of things. We do not have any out of character relation, or any relation to any gang in real life.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]Joining Us.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The are several ways to join us. Many have contacted me or Aediion in-game, but there is another way to join. Respond to this post with the template below, and we will review it later.[/font:24j2gwqy]
In-game Name:
Rank wanted:
How long have you played ZARP DarkRP?
Whats your time zone?
Do you agree to the rules for ZARP DarkRP?
Do you agree to the rules set up by the gang itself?
In 30 words, tell me why you should join.
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Rules.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]Our gang is meant to be newbie friendly. Therefore, the rules are simple and easy to understand.[/font:24j2gwqy]
- [font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]Follow the server rules.[/font:24j2gwqy]
- [font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]Be respectful to all others playing.[/font:24j2gwqy]
- [font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]Listen to the gang leaders.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Members[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Owner[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]I am the supreme being. You will listen to me or face my unbias and unwavering wrath.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Co-Owners[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]
We are the slayers. Don't walk in front of us, or you will end up like the other casualties. The other owners. When I am not online, they are in-charge. They can accept gang applications and have the full power as owner.[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Moblings[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]
We are the face of death. Fear us! The Moblings are the lowest rank of the Angels, but server the greatest purpose. They are the ones that get the cash, anyway possible.[/font:24j2gwqy]
- TheDoctor
- Strikerjuice
- Letmebe
- DoAxKenney
- Chris
- Afroguy
- AdmiralWaffles
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]The Builders[/font:24j2gwqy]
[font=times new roman:24j2gwqy]
We are the mighty wall that stands between you and death. Be careful not to cross it. The Builders are there to continuously improve, build, rebuild bases. When not building they are to defend the base.[/font:24j2gwqy]