Name - What is your in-game name? northwest
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID STEAM_0:1:72989393
Staff Members Name - Who Warned You? R-FLEX
Warning Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)? attempt cdm
Server - Which Server did this occur on? SSRP Server 1
Story/Situation (What Happened?) - I was taking my car out of the car dealer then i sew YUNO with his acs and m202 running around.
i was driving close to him without doing damage to him (bad driving skills)
then i got pulled out and freezed by r flex i asked what?
he said i tried to cdm him and its attempt cdm
i said i didnt hit him even once i can drive close to him i should not get warned for then unless i dont damage to him.
like attempt rdm you cant warn someone for attempt rdm if shooting close to you or holding a gun.
i want to make it clear ! I WASNT TOCHING/DOING DAMAGE TO YUNO! only driving close to him.
got warned for that.
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)? i dont think you shuold get warned because thats what the staff member thought i was trying to do without realy know what happend he cant just say i was trying to kill him if i wasnt.