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TOPIC: Learning Lua...

Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470091

I thought fuck it why not because i have lots of spare time and i thought this would be a useful addition to the lead team of TTT in case Tyler or Max need any help
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470112

I will help you out a bit tomorrow and through the week. I know the basics but we can learn more!
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470113

I know the basics of Spanish. Can I cooperate with you? I am happy to help.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470138

Studio Banter wrote:
I know the basics of Spanish. Can I cooperate with you? I am happy to help.
I can weeaboo scripting
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470141

El une Spodermun wrote:
Studio Banter wrote:
I know the basics of Spanish. Can I cooperate with you? I am happy to help.
I can weeaboo scripting

Sorry I don't think he understands that advanced yet.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470142

Studio Banter wrote:
I know the basics of Spanish. Can I cooperate with you? I am happy to help.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470150

I've heard from hazz that the only coding language that you know is VB from school.
I would advise that you start off simple if you don't have any prior experience with proper programming, and if you need any help, just message me on Steam or something.
lua isn't my main language but I still know it to some extent
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470153

LUA is a shit language, even EMP can vouch for that

TheXnator wrote:
I've heard from hazz that the only coding language that you know is VB from school.
I would advise that you start off simple if you don't have any prior experience with proper programming, and if you need any help, just message me on Steam or something.
lua isn't my main language but I still know it to some extent
Lua is simple, albeit not something you want to learn because it'll teach you some bad things.

Arguable VB.Net is more complex the further you get into it.

Lua is simple, it's nothing compared to something like C.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470162

Naomi Blazitson wrote:
LUA is a shit language, even EMP can vouch for that

TheXnator wrote:
I've heard from hazz that the only coding language that you know is VB from school.
I would advise that you start off simple if you don't have any prior experience with proper programming, and if you need any help, just message me on Steam or something.
lua isn't my main language but I still know it to some extent
Lua is simple, albeit not something you want to learn because it'll teach you some bad things.

Arguable VB.Net is more complex the further you get into it.

Lua is simple, it's nothing compared to something like C.

Agreed. C is just fucking stupid though.
Trying to actually get things to properly inherit from something is just like
this goes onto that which attaches to that which might then possibly attach onto that in order to get to there which could lead us to here.
And lua.... Lua is a sin. Writing method names with capitals at the START of them. That confused the hell out of me when I first started because say if a function (they're meant to be called methods ffs) were called TurnOn then I would obviously try to type turnOn, and obviously it would moan at me and I would just get increasingly annoyed.
Another sin is people who would do something like this in coding languages which use braces for method constrains:

it should be


The brace goes ON A NEW LINE.
This kinda turned into a rant didn't it?
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Last Edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by TheXnator.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470166

TheXnator wrote:
Naomi Blazitson wrote:
LUA is a shit language, even EMP can vouch for that

TheXnator wrote:
I've heard from hazz that the only coding language that you know is VB from school.
I would advise that you start off simple if you don't have any prior experience with proper programming, and if you need any help, just message me on Steam or something.
lua isn't my main language but I still know it to some extent
Lua is simple, albeit not something you want to learn because it'll teach you some bad things.

Arguable VB.Net is more complex the further you get into it.

Lua is simple, it's nothing compared to something like C.

Agreed. C is just fucking stupid though.

You are stupid, C still has it's uses even today.

TheXnator wrote:
Trying to actually get things to properly inherit from something is just like
this goes onto that which attaches to that which might then possibly attach onto that in order to get to there which could lead us to here.
And lua.... Lua is a sin. Writing method names with capitals at the START of them. That confused the hell out of me when I first started because say if a function (they're meant to be called methods ffs) were called TurnOn then I would obviously try to type turnOn, and obviously it would moan at me and I would just get increasingly annoyed.
Another sin is people who would do something like this in coding languages which use braces for method constrains:

it should be


The brace goes ON A NEW LINE.
This kinda turned into a rant didn't it?
TFW you're wrong and K&R (Egyptian brackets) are the convention for most C based languages
so this is correct
void someFunc(){
    // Correct

And this is incorrect
void someFunc()
    // Wrong
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470170

Naomi Blazitson wrote:
You are stupid, C still has it's uses even today.

TFW you're wrong and K&R (Egyptian brackets) are the convention for most C based languages
so this is correct
void someFunc(){
    // Correct

And this is incorrect
void someFunc()
    // Wrong

Of course C has loads of uses, I just mean the way that the language works is very roundabout.

And yes, they are convention, I know that. The convention is wrong. It looks horrible.
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Learning Lua... 8 years 2 weeks ago #470175

TheXnator wrote:
Naomi Blazitson wrote:
You are stupid, C still has it's uses even today.

TFW you're wrong and K&R (Egyptian brackets) are the convention for most C based languages
so this is correct
void someFunc(){
    // Correct

And this is incorrect
void someFunc()
    // Wrong

Of course C has loads of uses, I just mean the way that the language works is very roundabout.

And yes, they are convention, I know that. The convention is wrong. It looks horrible.

I mean if you wanna say "Fuck conventions" then this is perfectly acceptable
#define So long
#define R rand()
#include <math.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#define T(i,F) ((So long)(i)<<F)
#define O(c,L,i) c*sin(i)+L*cos(i)
#define y(n,L) for(n=0; n<L 3; n++)     
#define P(v,L) d=0; y(l,)d+=T(L*l[v],l*20);
#define X(q) q>>10&63|q>>24&4032|q>>38&258048       
char J[1<<18]; int G[W*p],_,k,I=W/4+1,w=p/4+1; float C,B,e;            

unsigned So long A,n,d, t,h,x, f,o,r,a,l,L,F,i,s,H=1<<18,b=250,D[1<<14],z[W*p],q
=0x820008202625a0;main(){Display *j=XOpenDisplay(0);Window u=XCreateSimpleWindow
(j,RootWindow(j,0),0,0,W,p,1,0,0);XImage *Y=XCreateImage(j,DefaultVisual(j,0),24
,2,0,(char*)G,W,p,32,0); XEvent M; for(XMapWindow(j,u); XSelectInput( j,u,1)&&a-
65307; ){ if(!H){ if(XCheckWindowEvent(j,u,1,&M)){ a=XLookupKeysym(&M.xkey,0);*(
a&1?&C:&                                                                B)-=(.05
-a/2% 2*                                                                .1)*!(a-
1& 4092^                                                                3920);a+
2&0xfe0^                                                                0xfc0||(
s=a+2&31                                                                ); }else
{ y(k,p+        ){ F=k%w* 4|k/w;               float a[6],S=(F-p        /2.) /p;
y(_,W+){        i=_%I*4|_/I; if(               F<p&i<W){ o=1; L=        i+F*W;if
(l=i&3);        else{ l=F&3; o=W               ; } h=z[L-o*l]; f        =z[L+(4-
l)*o]; t        =F-p/2||i-W/2; r               =h^f; if(!l| !t|(        int)r|(!
(h- 3&3)        &&258063&r>>38))               { float V=(i-W/2.        )/p,U=O(
S,1,B),m        =32768,Q=m; a[4]               =O(-1,S,B); a[3]=        O(U,V,C)
; a[5]=O        (-V,U,C); P((a+3               ),s*42); t||(A=d)        ;f=0;y(n
,){float        N=a[n+3], E=1024               /fabs(N); b= N<0;        float K=
(((q>>20        *n)^~-b)+!b&1023               )/1024.; y(d,)a[d        ]=a[d+3]
*E; a[n]        =round(a[n]); P(               a,K); i=q+d; P(a,        1); e=E*
K; for(;                e<m; i+=d){ l=X(i); t=r=l^(l^l-(                1<<6*n))
&63<<6*n                ; if(b){ r=l; l=t; } if(J[r])l=r                ; if(t=J
[l]){x=(                n-1)?(i|i>>40)&1023|i>>8&4190208                |4194304
:i&1023|                i>>28&4190208|(b^l==r)<<23; if(h                =D[(x>>6
&0xf|x>>                14&0x3f0)+t*768]){ o=h; f=n|l*4|                x<<32; m
=e; } if                (t==8&e<Q)Q=e; } e+=E; } }b=(255                -((f&3)+
2)%3*51)                *(1-m/32768); o=o*b>>8; G[L]=o>>                32<<8|o&
16711935                ; z[L]=3*(Q<=m)|f|b<<56; } else{                d=l*(f<<
8>>40)+(                4-l)*(h<<8>>40)>>2&16774143; o=D                [(d>> 6&
15|d>>14                &1008)+J[(int)h/4]*768]*(b=h>>56                )>>8; G[
L]=o>>32                <<8 | o&                16711935                ; z[L]=(
int) h|d                <<32|b<<                56; } }}                } q +=A;
XPutImage               (j, u+0,               DefaultGC                (j,J[X(q
)]=0),Y,                0,0,0,0,                W,p); }}                else{ L=
--H/768;                J[H] =R%                16*(R%4<                abs((H>>
6&63)-32                                                                )+abs((H
>>12&63)                                                                -32)-3); 
i=H &15;                                                                F=H %768
>>4; if(                                                                L<16){if
(L-1|!(R                                                                %3))b=R%
96^255; l=i*i*3+i*81/4&3; a=L>3?L-8?L-5?9858122:12365733-488848*((i+F/4*4)%8&&F%
4):R%2*5298487:3352537*L*L-14202379*L+19205553; if(L==4)if(F<l+18)a=6990400;else
if(l>F-19)b*=0.7; if(L==3){ if((i-1&15)<14&(F-1&15)<14&!(F&16)){ a=12359778; _=7
-i; k=7-F%16; _^=_>>31; k^=k>>31; b=196-R%32+(k>_?k:_)%3*42;} else{ b*=1+R%2*(.5
-(i&1)); } } D[H]=(a&16711935|(a&65280)<<24)*(b>>(F>>5))>>8&0xff00ff00ff; } } }}

Conventions exist for the same reason protocols exist. To make sure you can understand what's going on.
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