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Server Name: All the Zarp SSRP servers!
Suggestion Title: The rule changes! So I'm wanna talk about the "What do need to be a Zarp Officer on servers".So everybody knows that if u wanna be a mod on Zarp u just need some experience and no recent warnings.This is pretty good yeah but I think we can add an another rule for being Zarp Staff. My opinion is -If someone got perm ban once for anything It can be (Aim hack , Mass rdm or something etc).He can available to be a Zarp Staff. But If someone got perm ban over than 1 time He can't available to be Zarp Staff .But after a 1 year or It can be half year too he will be available to be staff again. ↓ I just wanna explain this rule.When someone got perm ban it is a big thing right?Cause you need to do a really bad thing for got a perm ban.The normal zarp rules are so harmless.Everybody knows if u got ban or something it isn't a big thing cause U just need a share a post on the Zarp Forum and U will be get unbanned.Rules need to be a more "Scary and Powerfull" Thank you for your time and have a nice day lads! |
Need some potatos
Ex SSRP moderator.
Last Edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by Kamselya.
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When people are applying as staff or getting punished only their last 2 weeks of punishments will be taken into account. This being due to the fact we believe someone can change for the better and it wouldn't be fair to hold one's past actions or mistakes against them. This applies to many people I've seen get back from a ban, stop rulebreaking, clear their image and possibly get staff.
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Rules need to be a more "Scary and Powerfull" Then I would be scared, and I don't like that. |
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